Nether (PC 2014)
Upper right shows thumbnail provided by Art Director. Lower right are my variations based on that thumbnail. Final render on the left.

Nether (PC 2014)
My exploratory sketches based on thumbnail provided by Art Director (Lower right). Final render on the left.

Nether (PC 2014)
Starting with provided thumbnail, I sketched different head options. Final render on the left.

Captain America: Super Soldier (Wii)
Captain America design from the film translated to the style of our game

Captain America: Super Soldier (Wii)
Character designs from the film translated to the style of our game

Captain America: Super Soldier (Wii)
Enemy ortho with head variations

Captain America: Super Soldier (Wii)
Final enemy ortho render

Captain America: Super Soldier (Wii)
Hydra assassin thumbnails

Captain America: Super Soldier (Wii)
Hydra assassin final orthos

Enemy concept for action rpg

Thumbnails for wizards who manipulate the elements

Tournament of Legends (Wii)
Thumbnail exploring options for a nordic gladiator

Tournament of Legends (Wii)
Mongolian gladiator

Unit concepts for a sci-fi RTS

Characters for a multiplayer team shooter for kids using water and paint

Character designs for warriors from different time periods

An adventurer and thumbnails for a floating companion

My take on Harry Potter's Hermione

Zoombies: Animales de la Muerte (iOS)
A key shot of one of the main characters to help establish style and tone

High Voltage Hot Rod Show (Wii)
Racer portraits

Style explorations for wrestlers

Space penguin designs

Giant monster design for destroying cities

Giant monster risen from the depths, bent on destruction